Saturday, February 25, 2017

TV Appearance

Recently, I appeared on television for the first time, and, although I will never be a television star, I thought it went pretty well. Since my new book, Albert C. Ellithorpe, the First Indian Home Guards, and the Civil War on the Frontier was published, I've gotten several requests to give presentations. Among them was Sam Jones who interviewed me on his show, Perspectives, which is produced by RSU-TV. Check out the segment that I appeared on at

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Now that I'm settling in to my "new" life, I've started to catch up on new publications and am casting around for a new research project. Today, I discovered that the University of Oklahoma Press has just published The Civil War in the Southwest Borderlands, 1861-1867 by Andrew E. Masich; immediately, I navigated to Amazon and purchased a copy. Several years ago, Masich's excellent narrative and compilation of primary accounts, The Civil War in Arizona: The Story of the California Volunteers, 1861-1865, was published. I'm looking forward to receiving his latest book!

In April, the University of North Carolina Press will be publishing Theater of a Separate War: The Civil War West of the Mississippi River, 1861-1865 by Thomas W. Cutrer who is a professor emeritus at Arizona State University. Its length is advertised as 600 pages, and, judging by the publisher and the author, it will be a high quality book.

About three years ago, I noticed an uptick in scholarship about the trans-Mississippi, and the pace of publication appears to be accelerating.