It’s been a shamefully
long time since I last posted to this blog. Work demands and a fall break meant
there was little time left in my days for blogging. So, it’s time to get back
to posting!
While perusing my
bookshelves the other day, I noticed three of my favorite trans-Mississippi
reference works and decided that writing about them would be a good way to
restart my blogging.
The oldest of the group is
Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr.’s Guide to
Louisiana Confederate Military Units, 1861-1865 (1989). Regrettably, I
never met Art in person, but he fielded some research queries related to a project
that I was working on then. His Guide has
a straightforward organization and brief historical sketches about each unit, a
listing of officers, and a bibliography. Two appendices deal with independent
companies and Louisiana volunteer state troops. Bergeron’s book has been an
invaluable resource for me, and I have turned to it again and again.

Now, we just need
top-notch reference works about territorial units and Missouri’s Union
regiments as well as ones dealing with Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, and Minnesota.
Yes, the action depicted in Zaboly prints can be a bit fanciful.